Monday, June 16, 2014

Sports Mouthguards--Not Just For Kids!

Football. Biking. Clenching while running. Street hockey. Baseball.
A mouthguard can help protect you.

With summer sports and activities in full swing, we want to make sure that you are fully prepared and protected with mouth guards. Without a mouthguard, you are more easily susceptible to an injury of the lips, tongue, and soft tissue of the mouth. This protective guard can prevent chipped or broken teeth, nerve damage to the tooth, and even tooth loss!

Mouth guards can also limit the risk of mouth-related injuries during contact sports so that you can have a fun and safe time doing what you love.
Keep in mind that just because you don't play contact sports does not mean that you might not benefit from a guard--we see many biking-related tooth injuries! Even clenching during activities can cause chipped teeth or gum discomfort.

At Castle Pines Dental Care, we provide custom-fitted sports mouthguards at a competitive price. If you would like to have greater protection than the store-bought mouthguard can provide, we'd be happy to consult with you on your specific needs!

Call us to learn more about how mouthguards can be an important addition to your game or activity!

Castle Pines Dental Care
Dr. Matthew Rolfson, DDS

Monday, June 9, 2014

We Have Some Winners!

Congrats to Norm Staples & Lesli Boyles--the two lucky Facebook fans for the month!
Keep up with us to be informed of our next contest!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Does Your Bite REALLY Matter? Absolutely It Does!

You may wonder, “Does my bite really need to be corrected or adjusted?”  There is much confusion within the dental profession concerning the need for bite adjustments, and unfortunately even more confusion about the approach a dentist takes to correct a bite.

How your teeth fit together when you close or chew is one of the most important factors of whether your teeth and jaw muscles are comfortable or uncomfortable.  Have you ever gotten a piece of popcorn stuck between your teeth or a raspberry seed stuck on the biting surface?  If you don’t remove it, your tooth gets sore, and in time, your jaw muscles do too as they try to avoid biting on the sore tooth.  If left too long, headaches can even occur. 

Just as removal of the kernel or seed results in almost immediate return to comfort, correction of a “high” restoration or misaligned teeth contacts can result in the same improved comfort.
Many times, patients will approach us thinking that they have a cavity when, in fact, their bite is off! Teeth can complain of an uneven bite by manifesting symptoms identical to a plain, old toothache: cold/hot sensitivity, pain with pressure, etc.

It is not difficult for Dr. Rolfson to determine if there is a problem with your bite.  In fact, it will be obvious that your bite is not even by determining if clenching your teeth with your mouth empty causes discomfort or pain in any tooth, jaw joints or muscular pain in your face.
Deciding on the most appropriate treatment for a bite problem requires very careful analysis--and if it's beyond our capacity to help you here at Castle Pines Dental Care, we have a plethora of trusted specialists which would treat you with great care.

Having your bite perfected not only results in comfort, but can also be the difference in whether your teeth wear out, break off, or get loose.  A perfected, even bite is the best insurance for keeping your teeth as long as you need them.

Call us today if you feel like your bite may need an adjustment--it is painless, easy, and the benefits of an adjusted bite have far-reaching effects in your comfort! 

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Congratulations to Camryn Nesiba
Winner of our April "Dental Selfie" Contest!

Camryn will take home a Sonicare DiamondClean Black Edition toothbrush for her super cute snapshot!
Thanks to everyone who participated and keep an eye out for our May contest--you could be the next winner!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Teeth Whitening—We've Got An Option To Meet Your Needs!

Sometimes, even if we give great care and attention to dental hygiene, our teeth just aren’t as white as we would like. While regular dental check ups and brushing can minimize discoloration, certain layers of our teeth naturally become yellow over time—this happens from staining habits such as coffee, smoking, tea and colas to name a few. While it's no surprise that most of us feel our best with a whiter smile, we've heard that some pearly whites can help you look younger, too!

Here at Castle Pines Dental Care, we offer a variety of whitening solutions to not only meet your needs but also your budget! Since each of us are unique, it's best to find the whitening procedure that you feel would fit your lifestyle most appropriately.

The Opalescence Go kit comes with a total of 10 treatments for both the upper and lower teeth. While not a completely custom fit, the trays are made of a wax-like material that molds to your teeth better than typical over-the-counter grocery store whitening trays. This is a great option for teenagers or for those who are looking for something easy and affordable—and we've been quite happy with the end results!

Option 2: Opalescence Custom Whitening Tray Kit
The Opalescence custom whitening tray kit is a great option for those who want to be able to whiten their teeth on a more consistent basis. The trays are custom-made for you from impressions taken of your teeth. The kit also comes with 8 syringes of whitening gel and a small tube of whitening toothpaste. With this option, you can whiten for longer and have more control over the amount of whitening each individual tooth is exposed to—for instance, you may reach the end of your whitening process but notice that one tooth is still a little stubbornly dark. With custom trays, it's not an issue since you can focus only on that tooth until you reach your desired results! The strength of the bleach gel is also determined by Dr. Rolfson and yourself with the custom trays ensuring your maximum whitening comfort.

Option 3: BioLase In-Office Laser Whitening & Custom Whitening Trays

The BioLase In-Office Laser Whitening procedure is done inside our office and is by far the most customized option that you can get. One of our trained dental assistants will be by your side monitoring your process for the approximate hour and a half procedure as we whiten your teeth. 

The laser whitening is a great procedure for those who want to skip a few days of whitening—we like to call it more of a boost as we typically see patients jump up about 1-2 shades of color in a single appointment. While most people expect a whitening procedure to produce “Hollywood White” results—which let's face it, they're all wearing veneers over there!—we don't let you leave before taking impressions of your teeth so we can craft your custom white trays to help you touch up and whiten at home. With both of these types of whitening enhancements working together, we believe you are bound to be happy with your final result. 

It's best to remember that not all stains are created equal—so what works best for you might not be ideal for someone else! Whitening also takes time and patience—it's a consistent process that invariably produces whiter results for every patient that undertakes the challenge.

If you're interested in whitening but have questions about these options, please don't hesitate to give us a call and we will gladly answer any inquiries you might have. We are excited to help you reach your best and brightest smile here at Castle Pines Dental Care!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Is A Night-time Dental Guard Something You Need?

While quite a few of our patients currently utilize a night-time dental guard, many still do not know what they are! Allow us to explain...

We start by taking an impression of your teeth so we can fabricate a plastic night guard that fits perfectly in your mouth due to it's custom form. Upon try-in and slight adjustments to ensure that your nightguard fits you comfortably, you then take home your new appliance and wear it just before you fall asleep. 

At first this may seem unnatural and slightly uncomfortable, but Dr. Rolfson likes to describe this adjustment period as a "learning curve"--meaning it usually takes a few nights until you are completely comfortable sleeping with an appliance in your mouth.

Your night-time dental guard can then provide a cushion of space between your teeth that will protect them from the destructive forces generated by overactive chewing muscles. This aggressive muscle activity, called teeth grinding and clenching can cause excessive tooth wear, chipping, fractures, loosening of the teeth or even TMJ disorder. 

Spacing your teeth apart also decompresses the jaw joints (TMJ). This decompression is an unloading of the joints, much like crutches allow you to take the weight off an injured knee or hip. The night guard is designed to re-establish your "natural" freeway space, which will protect your teeth from clenching and grinding day or night.

We have many patients who have stopped this neuromuscular disorder while wearing a nighttime dental guard. Call us today, if you feel you may be suffering from any of these symptoms, to learn more how a nighttime dental guard can help! We have several different types of guards along with different pricing options so we can better meet your individual needs.