Thursday, March 27, 2014

Is A Night-time Dental Guard Something You Need?

While quite a few of our patients currently utilize a night-time dental guard, many still do not know what they are! Allow us to explain...

We start by taking an impression of your teeth so we can fabricate a plastic night guard that fits perfectly in your mouth due to it's custom form. Upon try-in and slight adjustments to ensure that your nightguard fits you comfortably, you then take home your new appliance and wear it just before you fall asleep. 

At first this may seem unnatural and slightly uncomfortable, but Dr. Rolfson likes to describe this adjustment period as a "learning curve"--meaning it usually takes a few nights until you are completely comfortable sleeping with an appliance in your mouth.

Your night-time dental guard can then provide a cushion of space between your teeth that will protect them from the destructive forces generated by overactive chewing muscles. This aggressive muscle activity, called teeth grinding and clenching can cause excessive tooth wear, chipping, fractures, loosening of the teeth or even TMJ disorder. 

Spacing your teeth apart also decompresses the jaw joints (TMJ). This decompression is an unloading of the joints, much like crutches allow you to take the weight off an injured knee or hip. The night guard is designed to re-establish your "natural" freeway space, which will protect your teeth from clenching and grinding day or night.

We have many patients who have stopped this neuromuscular disorder while wearing a nighttime dental guard. Call us today, if you feel you may be suffering from any of these symptoms, to learn more how a nighttime dental guard can help! We have several different types of guards along with different pricing options so we can better meet your individual needs.

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