Monday, May 5, 2014

Does Your Bite REALLY Matter? Absolutely It Does!

You may wonder, “Does my bite really need to be corrected or adjusted?”  There is much confusion within the dental profession concerning the need for bite adjustments, and unfortunately even more confusion about the approach a dentist takes to correct a bite.

How your teeth fit together when you close or chew is one of the most important factors of whether your teeth and jaw muscles are comfortable or uncomfortable.  Have you ever gotten a piece of popcorn stuck between your teeth or a raspberry seed stuck on the biting surface?  If you don’t remove it, your tooth gets sore, and in time, your jaw muscles do too as they try to avoid biting on the sore tooth.  If left too long, headaches can even occur. 

Just as removal of the kernel or seed results in almost immediate return to comfort, correction of a “high” restoration or misaligned teeth contacts can result in the same improved comfort.
Many times, patients will approach us thinking that they have a cavity when, in fact, their bite is off! Teeth can complain of an uneven bite by manifesting symptoms identical to a plain, old toothache: cold/hot sensitivity, pain with pressure, etc.

It is not difficult for Dr. Rolfson to determine if there is a problem with your bite.  In fact, it will be obvious that your bite is not even by determining if clenching your teeth with your mouth empty causes discomfort or pain in any tooth, jaw joints or muscular pain in your face.
Deciding on the most appropriate treatment for a bite problem requires very careful analysis--and if it's beyond our capacity to help you here at Castle Pines Dental Care, we have a plethora of trusted specialists which would treat you with great care.

Having your bite perfected not only results in comfort, but can also be the difference in whether your teeth wear out, break off, or get loose.  A perfected, even bite is the best insurance for keeping your teeth as long as you need them.

Call us today if you feel like your bite may need an adjustment--it is painless, easy, and the benefits of an adjusted bite have far-reaching effects in your comfort!